🙏🏻The #MakeAprilCool Initiative
Take a Pledge Now to save Environment 🙏🏽
Fill the form and Daikin will send free Plant's seeds to you valid till sunday.
Pledge For A Good Cause
Take a Pledge Now to save Environment 🙏🏽
Fill the form and Daikin will send free Plant's seeds to you valid till sunday.
Pledge For A Good Cause
..Last Day to get freebie from daikin, Share as much as you can coz it's a good initiative and you will get free seed.
The #MakeAprilCool Initiative
Take a Pledge Now to save Environment
Fill the form and Daikin will send free Plant's seeds to you
Pledge For A Good Cause. Share & Post to your whatsapp status and Facebook profile.
Fill only correct details because your details will be verified and you will get a call to confirm. don't create multiple orders else they'll be cancelled
The #MakeAprilCool Initiative
Take a Pledge Now to save Environment
Fill the form and Daikin will send free Plant's seeds to you
Pledge For A Good Cause. Share & Post to your whatsapp status and Facebook profile.
Fill only correct details because your details will be verified and you will get a call to confirm. don't create multiple orders else they'll be cancelled