I walked along with my hands inside my pockets as she glanced behind us. “Hey, you ever noticed?”
“The #birds, it's like they're talking about us.”
“Not us, just me. They're real pricks. Especially that bluebird, real fashion police.” I hate spring.#vss365 https://t.co/1i4qkGTwn4
“The #birds, it's like they're talking about us.”
“Not us, just me. They're real pricks. Especially that bluebird, real fashion police.” I hate spring.#vss365 https://t.co/1i4qkGTwn4
April 15, 2021
#vss365 #TalesNoir #WeirdVSS
Stoppered jars imprisoning the languages of each clan & kingdom crowd the Altar of Serenity. Only one priest guards this silence precious to the gods old & new & offers no resistance to Daenerys who unstops the Dothraki jar & thereby wins the Game. https://t.co/e0P0tNqohA#vss365 #TalesNoir #WeirdVSS
Stoppered jars imprisoning the languages of each clan & kingdom crowd the Altar of Serenity. Only one priest guards this silence 4718315 #vss365 #TalesNoir #WeirdVSS
Stoppered jars imprisoning the languages of each clan & kingdom crowd the Altar of Serenity. Only one priest guards this silence
Stoppered jars imprisoning the languages of each clan & kingdom crowd the Altar of Serenity. Only one priest guards this silence precious to the gods old & new & offers no resistance to Daenerys who unstops the Dothraki jar & thereby wins the Game. https://t.co/e0P0tNqohA#vss365 #TalesNoir #WeirdVSS
Stoppered jars imprisoning the languages of each clan & kingdom crowd the Altar of Serenity. Only one priest guards this silence 4718315 #vss365 #TalesNoir #WeirdVSS
Stoppered jars imprisoning the languages of each clan & kingdom crowd the Altar of Serenity. Only one priest guards this silence
August 3, 2021
#vss365 #vsspic #LilLuvStory
We crave the eye of a jealous man for w/out his blessing a girl is made common. My gown when I am chosen served generations of wives, & as the edict decrees I go alone to the binding-chapel but lift my skirts, determined to outrun the girl-traders. https://t.co/0wO4T0Ff3b#vss365 #vsspic #LilLuvStory
We crave the eye of a jealous man for w/out his blessing a girl is made common. My gown when I am chosen served generations of wives, & as the edict decrees I go alone to the binding-chapel but 2646951 #vss365 #vsspic #LilLuvStory
We crave the eye of a
We crave the eye of a jealous man for w/out his blessing a girl is made common. My gown when I am chosen served generations of wives, & as the edict decrees I go alone to the binding-chapel but lift my skirts, determined to outrun the girl-traders. https://t.co/0wO4T0Ff3b#vss365 #vsspic #LilLuvStory
We crave the eye of a jealous man for w/out his blessing a girl is made common. My gown when I am chosen served generations of wives, & as the edict decrees I go alone to the binding-chapel but 2646951 #vss365 #vsspic #LilLuvStory
We crave the eye of a
August 28, 2021