It may look like Winter out there today, but inside, it still looks like Spring! Can you find patterns, shapes and symmetry? #SnowinApril GEVSchool may look like Winter out there 5730265 It may look like Winter out there today, but inside, it still looks like Spring! Can you find
August 7, 2021
Silly Spring. Snow is for winter!
#SnowInApril 2177073 Silly Spring. Snow is for winter!
#SnowInApril 2177073 Silly Spring. Snow is for winter!
November 15, 2021
I love the first snowfall of winter. Soon the holidays will be here, lights go up, festivities....wait, it’s April 19???!!! #snowinapril #iowawinter #notspringyet love the first snowfall of winter. Soon the holidays will be 2957540 I love the first snowfall of winter. Soon the holidays will be
November 19, 2021