"I’m always caught by the speeds of spring and fall. Lulled into a seemingly predictable pattern of “hot” each summer and “cold” each winter, the flux of spring always demands attention..."
Read the full #haibun here:
#haiku #haikuchallenge #spring https://t.co/gXfIKbyoOW"I’m always caught by the speeds of spring and fall. Lulled into a seemingly predictable pattern of 5785388 "I’m always caught by the speeds of spring and fall. Lulled into a seemingly predictable pattern of “hot” each summer and
Read the full #haibun here:
#haiku #haikuchallenge #spring https://t.co/gXfIKbyoOW"I’m always caught by the speeds of spring and fall. Lulled into a seemingly predictable pattern of 5785388 "I’m always caught by the speeds of spring and fall. Lulled into a seemingly predictable pattern of “hot” each summer and
November 26, 2021