With 88% investment in #Instagram YTD, BaskinRobbins spent more in the winter months, as the brand dropped spend consistently through spring on the channel. Bit of a Rocky Road on that graph if you ask us. That's just 1 of 31 flavor jokes. Stay tuned...
#PathmaticsExplorer https://t.co/bkXYkcb4elWith 88% investment in #Instagram YTD, BaskinRobbins spent more in the winter months, as the brand dropped spend consistently through spring on the channel. Bit of a Rocky Road on that graph if you ask us. That's just 1 of 31 flavor jokes. Stay 1646285 With 88%
#PathmaticsExplorer https://t.co/bkXYkcb4elWith 88% investment in #Instagram YTD, BaskinRobbins spent more in the winter months, as the brand dropped spend consistently through spring on the channel. Bit of a Rocky Road on that graph if you ask us. That's just 1 of 31 flavor jokes. Stay 1646285 With 88%
June 18, 2021