#NowWatching The Falcon and the Winter Soldier S01 | E05: Truth #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier https://t.co/6amcKlqNNm #tvtime https://t.co/Ez95kd6M7y#NowWatching The 5676164 #NowWatching The Falcon and the Winter Soldier S01 | E05: Truth #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier https://t.co/6amcKlqNNm
October 10, 2021
#NowWatching CreepshowTv #season2 #episode3 The Right Snuff might be my favorite story so far. It has a coherent arc, the characters aren’t cartoons chewing the scenery like it’s doused in ranch, and the deadly sin (envy) leads to a suitably grim conclusion. Solid A- 👍👏👏👏 https://t.co/naI2bqdQIi#NowWatching CreepshowTv #season2 #episode3 The Right Snuff 5059397 #NowWatching CreepshowTv #season2 #episode3 The Right Snuff might be my favorite story so far. It has a coherent arc, the characters aren’t cartoons chewing the scenery like it’s doused in ranch, and the deadly sin (envy) leads to a
November 11, 2021