Y algunas fotos más con Cirion de Amon-Barad y Boromir. #MiddleEarth #middleearthsbg #sbg #mesbg #LordOfTheRings #SeñordelosAnillos #LOTR #miniaturas #miniatures #terrain #scenery #escenografía #shadowintheeast #lasombraeneleste https://t.co/7FvmOS5h56
June 7, 2021
Listas! #Mordheim #Mordheim2021 #miniaturas #miniatures #scenery #terrain #escenografía #MiddleEarth #middleearthsbg #sbg #mesbg #LordOfTheRings #SeñordelosAnillos #LOTR #scouringoftheshire #elsaneamientodelacomarca #trampas #tokens #tramps #marcadores https://t.co/69tIYq7kD2Listas! #Mordheim #Mordheim2021 #miniaturas #miniatures #scenery #terrain #escenografía #MiddleEarth #middleearthsbg #sbg #mesbg #LordOfTheRings #SeñordelosAnillos 3214679 Listas! #Mordheim #Mordheim2021 #miniaturas #miniatures #scenery #terrain #escenografía
July 16, 2021
Finalizada la primera parte del proyecto Amon-Barad para #MiddleEarth #middleearthsbg #sbg #mesbg #LordOfTheRings #SeñordelosAnillos #LOTR #miniaturas #miniatures #terrain #scenery #escenografía #shadowintheeast #lasombraeneleste https://t.co/5cisujwxzJFinalizada la primera parte del proyecto Amon-Barad para #MiddleEarth #middleearthsbg #sbg #mesbg #LordOfTheRings #SeñordelosAnillos #LOTR #miniaturas #miniatures #terrain #scenery #escenografía 4840919 Finalizada la primera
October 4, 2021
3d printed barn. #3dprinting #3d #pla #artillerygenius #barn #paint #art #scenery #terrain #wargames https://t.co/GcatKQnS5N3d printed barn. #3dprinting #3d #pla #artillerygenius #barn #paint #art #scenery #terrain #wargames 1261914 3d
October 9, 2021
I think this will be a new terrarium piece for our little Rankin's dragon instead of minis; grout + acrylic paint + non-toxic sealant should make it safe for him. I'll let that thing cure for 1-2 weeks and test it under heat + water before committing to use it. #terrain #scenery https://t.co/O9o6gRbQvNI think this will be a new terrarium piece for our little Rankin's dragon instead of minis; grout + acrylic paint + non-toxic sealant should make it 5973941 I think this will be a new terrarium piece for our little Rankin's dragon instead of minis; grout + acrylic paint + non-toxic sealant should make
October 10, 2021
I think this will be a new terrarium piece for our little Rankin's dragon instead of minis; grout + acrylic paint + non-toxic sealant should make it safe for him. I'll let that thing cure for 1-2 weeks and test it under heat + water before committing to use it. #terrain #scenery https://t.co/O9o6gRbQvNI think this will be a new terrarium piece for our little Rankin's dragon instead of minis; grout + acrylic paint + non-toxic sealant should make it safe for him. I'll let that thing cure for 1-2 weeks and test it under heat + water before committing to use it. #terrain 6816083 I think
October 31, 2021