Good morning! We're about 24 hours out from some major changes to our forecast. Those changes include the chances for winter weather ... in late April. Here is the latest in your early morning FastCast. #kywx #vawx #tnwx #wvwx #wymtwx morning! We're 1683972 Good morning! We're about 24 hours out from some major changes to our forecast. Those changes include the chances for winter weather ... in late April. Here is the latest in your early morning FastCast. #kywx #vawx #tnwx
October 24, 2021
Good morning! Winter is coming ... back! The cold front is on the way through and the transition is underway in Central Kentucky. Temperatures are dropping fast. I'll have updates throughout the morning. #kywx #vawx #tnwx #wvwx #wymtwx morning! Winter is coming ... back! The cold front is on the way through and the transition is underway in Central 2431462 Good morning! Winter is coming ... back! The cold front is on the way through and the
November 16, 2021