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And what about my cool hobbies in resumes?
If you have a hobby - then you are a happy person who knows how to relax your brain in your free time. This information is likely to have little effect on the employer's decision if you approach them on all of the above. But it can worsen or, conversely, improve his opinion of you, if otherwise questionable.
This section is not mandatory and you decide whether to add this information to your resume or not. However, many employers are really interested in understanding whether you fit into their corporate culture.

The point of including a hobby in your resume is to list those hobbies that will allow the employer to understand that you will be the right addition to their team. So try to indicate those of your interests that are in any way related to the desired position, but do NOT list everything you like to do.

You can read more about the role of hobbies in resumes in our article Section "Hobbies" in resumes: what to write?

Awards and achievements in the resume
This section is also optional and you will not see it in most resumes. It is desirable that you add here only achievements that cannot be mentioned as part of your education or previous work.

For example, scholarships and honors may be included in the education section. The "Work Experience" section is the best place to indicate the honors you have received for what you have accomplished in your previous job. However, if you have been rewarded for something outstanding that goes beyond your normal career, proudly post it in the awards and achievements section.

Start your career by creating a quality resume
When creating a resume without work experience - people are worried that such a document will not help to find the desired job. But remember, even the most experienced professionals once started their careers from scratch and without work experience.

Even the most experienced professionals once started their careers from scratch.
Even the most experienced professionals once started their careers from scratch.
Focus on the content of your document, not the amount of information. Carefully approach this task, analyze all your actions and hobbies over the past few years - we are sure you have something to offer the future company. And remember, your resume should not have more experience and qualities than in your head.