Full Stack Web Developers
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This Channel will give you an instant updated on new features on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, PHP and Python.

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Work for your Brain...

I went for an interview in ZOHO 3rd round where an interesting question is asked, around 85% of students (1350 +) can't solve this question and they got eliminated. You Just give it a try.

Question Goes Here:

Find the two numbers from an array of random number, whose sum is nearest zero.

1. [-2, -100, 50, -3, 4] = -2, 4

2. [-50, -44, 52, -52] = 52 , -52

Solve it within 30 mins and post your solution @ iamwikimass@gmail.com
Google's AMP is dead. Though google search engine prefers the fastest website, AMP is doing more Harm to Website Owners with unsolvable mobile usability issue.

What you have to do?

1. Replace all amphtml in your html page with canonical.

2. redirect your AMP page to the canonical page with 302 status code

Do not delete the AMP Page.