#eCommerce, online marketplaces and social media shopping are three #digital trends to focus on for growth in a rapidly changing world. What other changes are happening around #fashion, #supplychain and #ERP? Get your copy of our 2021 report to learn more https://t.co/e4UeTFWg8i https://t.co/g1hthznUrh
April 8, 2021
“Diversify and adapt.” “Online growth.” “Purchase #PLM and #ERP systems that are user-friendly and time-efficient.” Just a sample of peer-to-peer advice, tips and trends around #fashion and #retail that are shared in BlueCherryCGS’s 2021 Trends report: https://t.co/u4EkjAhJvI https://t.co/fjpHC3lGQ0
April 25, 2021