June 18, 2021
#vss365 #vsspic #LilLuvStory
We crave the eye of a jealous man for w/out his blessing a girl is made common. My gown when I am chosen served generations of wives, & as the edict decrees I go alone to the binding-chapel but lift my skirts, determined to outrun the girl-traders. https://t.co/0wO4T0Ff3b#vss365 #vsspic #LilLuvStory
We crave the eye of a jealous 6379779 #vss365 #vsspic #LilLuvStory
We crave the eye of a jealous man for w/out his blessing a girl is made common. My gown when I am chosen served generations of wives, & as the edict decrees I go alone to the binding-chapel
We crave the eye of a jealous man for w/out his blessing a girl is made common. My gown when I am chosen served generations of wives, & as the edict decrees I go alone to the binding-chapel but lift my skirts, determined to outrun the girl-traders. https://t.co/0wO4T0Ff3b#vss365 #vsspic #LilLuvStory
We crave the eye of a jealous 6379779 #vss365 #vsspic #LilLuvStory
We crave the eye of a jealous man for w/out his blessing a girl is made common. My gown when I am chosen served generations of wives, & as the edict decrees I go alone to the binding-chapel
June 27, 2021
#vss365 #Bookishtues #TrickyTues
Night is personal, a quilt of tenderness in shared pleasure & the drowsy submission of memories to forgiveness. As the moon pales & the sun conjures mist from the lake the shutters of experience yawn open & we rise to meet another rapacious dawn. https://t.co/7f1uEdLUPY#vss365 #Bookishtues #TrickyTues
Night is personal, a quilt of tenderness in shared pleasure & the drowsy submission of memories to forgiveness. As the moon pales & the sun conjures mist from the lake the shutters of experience yawn open & we rise to meet 8109291 #vss365 #Bookishtues #TrickyTues
Night is
Night is personal, a quilt of tenderness in shared pleasure & the drowsy submission of memories to forgiveness. As the moon pales & the sun conjures mist from the lake the shutters of experience yawn open & we rise to meet another rapacious dawn. https://t.co/7f1uEdLUPY#vss365 #Bookishtues #TrickyTues
Night is personal, a quilt of tenderness in shared pleasure & the drowsy submission of memories to forgiveness. As the moon pales & the sun conjures mist from the lake the shutters of experience yawn open & we rise to meet 8109291 #vss365 #Bookishtues #TrickyTues
Night is
September 28, 2021