đ¤ New bot
đ Name: Televideo
đ Username: @televideo_bot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸ (3.9/5 on 76 votes)
âšī¸Description: View Italian televideo's pages on Telegram.
đ Languages: Italian
đŦ Supports inline: yes
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #inline #televideo #tv #news #photos #pictures #information
It is forbidden to download, stream, reproduce, or by any means, share, or consume, content without explicit permission from the content creator or legal copyright holder. BotsArchive is not associated nor affiliated with this bot and does not endorse any use of it. If you believe this bot is violating your intellectual property, please email us at abuse@botsarchive.com to get it removed from the archive.
đ Name: Televideo
đ Username: @televideo_bot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸ (3.9/5 on 76 votes)
âšī¸Description: View Italian televideo's pages on Telegram.
đ Languages: Italian
đŦ Supports inline: yes
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #inline #televideo #tv #news #photos #pictures #information
It is forbidden to download, stream, reproduce, or by any means, share, or consume, content without explicit permission from the content creator or legal copyright holder. BotsArchive is not associated nor affiliated with this bot and does not endorse any use of it. If you believe this bot is violating your intellectual property, please email us at abuse@botsarchive.com to get it removed from the archive.
đ¤ New bot
đ Name: IMDb ~ đ´Flagged as offline
đ Username: @imdb
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.1/5 on 87 votes)
âšī¸Description: This bot can help you find and share movies inline on IMDb.
đ Languages: English
đŦ Supports inline: yes
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #movies #videos #series #tv #television #search #description #plot #narrative
đ Name: IMDb ~ đ´Flagged as offline
đ Username: @imdb
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.1/5 on 87 votes)
âšī¸Description: This bot can help you find and share movies inline on IMDb.
đ Languages: English
đŦ Supports inline: yes
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #movies #videos #series #tv #television #search #description #plot #narrative
đ¤ New bot
đ Name: Programmi TV ~ đ´Flagged as offline
đ Username: @programmi_tv_bot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.3/5 on 24 votes)
âšī¸Description: See what's today on Italian TV.
đ Languages: Italian
đŦ Supports inline: yes
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #television #tv #programmes #palinsesto #italy #evening #guide
đ Name: Programmi TV ~ đ´Flagged as offline
đ Username: @programmi_tv_bot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.3/5 on 24 votes)
âšī¸Description: See what's today on Italian TV.
đ Languages: Italian
đŦ Supports inline: yes
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #television #tv #programmes #palinsesto #italy #evening #guide
đ¤ New bot
đ Name: Torrents Bot
đ Username: @MovieTorrents_bot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.1/5 on 68 votes)
âšī¸Description: Download torrents by Movie name, Tv Show name, IMDB link or an IMDB ID
đ Languages: English
đŦ Supports inline: no
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #imbd #movies #videos #downloads #torrents #link #tv #shows
It is forbidden to download, stream, reproduce, or by any means, share, or consume, content without explicit permission from the content creator or legal copyright holder. BotsArchive is not associated nor affiliated with this bot and does not endorse any use of it. If you believe this bot is violating your intellectual property, please email us at abuse@botsarchive.com to get it removed from the archive.
đ Name: Torrents Bot
đ Username: @MovieTorrents_bot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.1/5 on 68 votes)
âšī¸Description: Download torrents by Movie name, Tv Show name, IMDB link or an IMDB ID
đ Languages: English
đŦ Supports inline: no
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #imbd #movies #videos #downloads #torrents #link #tv #shows
It is forbidden to download, stream, reproduce, or by any means, share, or consume, content without explicit permission from the content creator or legal copyright holder. BotsArchive is not associated nor affiliated with this bot and does not endorse any use of it. If you believe this bot is violating your intellectual property, please email us at abuse@botsarchive.com to get it removed from the archive.
đ¤ New bot
đ Name: Tv Subtitles Bot ~ đ´Flagged as offline
đ Username: @Tv_subtitles_bot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.7/5 on 271 votes)
âšī¸Description: Bot to download tv series subtitles
đ Languages: English
đŦ Supports inline: no
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #subtitles #download #tv #series #programs #videos #television
đ Name: Tv Subtitles Bot ~ đ´Flagged as offline
đ Username: @Tv_subtitles_bot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.7/5 on 271 votes)
âšī¸Description: Bot to download tv series subtitles
đ Languages: English
đŦ Supports inline: no
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #subtitles #download #tv #series #programs #videos #television
đ¤ New bot
đ Name: Trakt Bot
đ Username: @TraktTVRobot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.2/5 on 74 votes)
âī¸Developer: PIZIDAVI
âšī¸Description: View the information and keep track of TV shows and movies you watch using Trakt.TV directly by Telegram!
đ Languages: English
đŦ Supports inline: no
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #tracking #movies #films #videos #tv #television #shows #notifications #information
đ Name: Trakt Bot
đ Username: @TraktTVRobot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.2/5 on 74 votes)
âī¸Developer: PIZIDAVI
âšī¸Description: View the information and keep track of TV shows and movies you watch using Trakt.TV directly by Telegram!
đ Languages: English
đŦ Supports inline: no
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #tracking #movies #films #videos #tv #television #shows #notifications #information
đ¤ New bot
đ Name: TVSeries ~ đ´Flagged as offline
đ Username: @TheTVSeriesBot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸ (3.3/5 on 83 votes)
âšī¸Description: With this bot you can easly download TV series and movies
đ Languages: English
đŦ Supports inline: no
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #tv #series #download #videos #film #movies
đ Name: TVSeries ~ đ´Flagged as offline
đ Username: @TheTVSeriesBot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸ (3.3/5 on 83 votes)
âšī¸Description: With this bot you can easly download TV series and movies
đ Languages: English
đŦ Supports inline: no
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #tv #series #download #videos #film #movies
đ¤ New bot
đ Name: IMDb.com ~ đ´Flagged as offline
đ Username: @BetterIMDbot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.1/5 on 67 votes)
âšī¸Description: This bot can help you find and share movies. It is works in any chat
đ Languages: English
đŦ Supports inline: yes
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #movies #film #search #imdb #series #tv #fiction
đ Name: IMDb.com ~ đ´Flagged as offline
đ Username: @BetterIMDbot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.1/5 on 67 votes)
âšī¸Description: This bot can help you find and share movies. It is works in any chat
đ Languages: English
đŦ Supports inline: yes
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #movies #film #search #imdb #series #tv #fiction
đ¤ New bot
đ Name: Guida TV ~ đ´Flagged as offline
đ Username: @GuideTV_bot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸ (3.5/5 on 28 votes)
âšī¸Description: Chatbot to consult the Italian TV guide
đ Languages: Italian
đŦ Supports inline: yes
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #tv #guidetv #programming #film #onair #inline
đ Name: Guida TV ~ đ´Flagged as offline
đ Username: @GuideTV_bot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸ (3.5/5 on 28 votes)
âšī¸Description: Chatbot to consult the Italian TV guide
đ Languages: Italian
đŦ Supports inline: yes
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #tv #guidetv #programming #film #onair #inline
đ¤ New bot
đ Name: The Movie Bot
đ Username: @MovieDatabaseBot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.1/5 on 109 votes)
âī¸Developer: @SGAbots
âšī¸Description: This bot can give you information about films, series and people. Get movie poster, storyline, actors, director, critic ratings, and more. You can also connect and sync your TMDB account.
đ Languages: English Spanish German Dutch
đŦ Supports inline: no
đĨ Groups: yes
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #movie #tv #search #TMDB #database #multilingual
đ Name: The Movie Bot
đ Username: @MovieDatabaseBot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.1/5 on 109 votes)
âī¸Developer: @SGAbots
âšī¸Description: This bot can give you information about films, series and people. Get movie poster, storyline, actors, director, critic ratings, and more. You can also connect and sync your TMDB account.
đ Languages: English Spanish German Dutch
đŦ Supports inline: no
đĨ Groups: yes
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #movie #tv #search #TMDB #database #multilingual
đ¤ New bot
đ Name: FilmAffinity Bot
đ Username: @faffinitybot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.4/5 on 254 votes)
âšī¸Description: Search the information in FilmAffinity of movies, series, miniseries, shorts, documentaries, etc.
đ Languages: English Spanish
đŦ Supports inline: yes
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #inline #search #movies #tv #series #multilingual #top #Netflix #HBO #Rakuten #Filmin #Movistar #FilmAffinity
It is forbidden to download, stream, reproduce, or by any means, share, or consume, content without explicit permission from the content creator or legal copyright holder. BotsArchive is not associated nor affiliated with this bot and does not endorse any use of it. If you believe this bot is violating your intellectual property, please email us at abuse@botsarchive.com to get it removed from the archive.
đ Name: FilmAffinity Bot
đ Username: @faffinitybot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.4/5 on 254 votes)
âšī¸Description: Search the information in FilmAffinity of movies, series, miniseries, shorts, documentaries, etc.
đ Languages: English Spanish
đŦ Supports inline: yes
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #inline #search #movies #tv #series #multilingual #top #Netflix #HBO #Rakuten #Filmin #Movistar #FilmAffinity
It is forbidden to download, stream, reproduce, or by any means, share, or consume, content without explicit permission from the content creator or legal copyright holder. BotsArchive is not associated nor affiliated with this bot and does not endorse any use of it. If you believe this bot is violating your intellectual property, please email us at abuse@botsarchive.com to get it removed from the archive.
đ¤ New bot
đ Name: Subtitle Downloader ~ đ´Flagged as offline
đ Username: @TGsubtitledownloadebot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.1/5 on 74 votes)
âšī¸Description: Find and download subtitles.
đ Languages: English
đŦ Supports inline: yes
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #download #subtitle #film #movie #inline #telegram #tg #SubtitleDownloader #tv
It is forbidden to download, stream, reproduce, or by any means, share, or consume, content without explicit permission from the content creator or legal copyright holder. BotsArchive is not associated nor affiliated with this bot and does not endorse any use of it. If you believe this bot is violating your intellectual property, please email us at abuse@botsarchive.com to get it removed from the archive.
đ Name: Subtitle Downloader ~ đ´Flagged as offline
đ Username: @TGsubtitledownloadebot
âī¸ Rating: âī¸âī¸âī¸âī¸ (4.1/5 on 74 votes)
âšī¸Description: Find and download subtitles.
đ Languages: English
đŦ Supports inline: yes
đĨ Groups: no
#ī¸âŖ Tags: #download #subtitle #film #movie #inline #telegram #tg #SubtitleDownloader #tv
It is forbidden to download, stream, reproduce, or by any means, share, or consume, content without explicit permission from the content creator or legal copyright holder. BotsArchive is not associated nor affiliated with this bot and does not endorse any use of it. If you believe this bot is violating your intellectual property, please email us at abuse@botsarchive.com to get it removed from the archive.