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đŸŒĩ Since 01/01/2019

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🤖 New bot
📋 Name: unified/ban
🆔 Username: @unifiedban_bot
⭐ī¸ Rating: ⭐ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸ (3.6/5 on 69 votes)
ℹī¸Description: This bot will protect your group from scammers and spammers.
🌐 Languages: English
đŸ’Ŧ Supports inline: no
đŸ‘Ĩ Groups: yes
#ī¸âƒŖ Tags: #antispam #antiscam #join #blocker #protector #manager #groups #moderator #management
🤖 New bot
📋 Name: No Group Close ~ 🔴Flagged as offline
🆔 Username: @AntiGroupCloseBot
⭐ī¸ Rating: ⭐ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸ (4.1/5 on 198 votes)
ℹī¸Description: This bot will help your group to avoid to be closed by Telegram by deleting edited medias and deleting messages forwarded by blocked channels.
🌐 Languages: Italian
đŸ’Ŧ Supports inline: no
đŸ‘Ĩ Groups: yes
#ī¸âƒŖ Tags: #groups #safety #protection #porn #antiflood #antimedia #edited #media #manager #protector #defender #telegram
🤖 New bot
📋 Name: The Join Captcha Bot
🆔 Username: @join_captcha_bot
⭐ī¸ Rating: ⭐ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸ (4.3/5 on 58 votes)
ℹī¸Description: Bot to verify using captchas images, if a new user, who join a group, is human.
🌐 Languages: English
đŸ’Ŧ Supports inline: yes
đŸ‘Ĩ Groups: yes
#ī¸âƒŖ Tags: #captchas #images #join #blocker #manager #groups #mute #human #verification #defender #protector
🤖 New bot
📋 Name: AntiUserbotsBot
🆔 Username: @AntiUserbotsBot
⭐ī¸ Rating: ⭐ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸ (3.9/5 on 57 votes)
ℹī¸Description: This bot shows users a botton to click in order to write into group to avoid userbots.
🌐 Languages: English Spanish
đŸ’Ŧ Supports inline: no
đŸ‘Ĩ Groups: yes
#ī¸âƒŖ Tags: #groups #manager #userbots #write #mute #join #button #callback #inline #data #protector #blocker