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🌡 Since 01/01/2019

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πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: ReName Bot ~ πŸ”΄Flagged as offline
πŸ†” Username: @renamebot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.6/5 on 67 votes)
ℹ️Description: Rename Telegram's files using this bot!
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #rename #files #telegram #change #name #title
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: SangMata
πŸ†” Username: @SangMata_Bot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.2/5 on 103 votes)
ℹ️Description: This bot keeps track of username and name changes on telegram, sending the change alert every time in the group chat
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: yes
#️⃣ Tags: #telegram #tracker #groups #notifications #name #username #information #users #changes
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: Random Name Generator ~ πŸ”΄Flagged as offline
πŸ†” Username: @FDRandomNameGeneratorBot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.9/5 on 132 votes)
ℹ️Description: A Random Name Generator Bot That Can Be Used In Telegram To Generate Random Names.
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #name #random #generate #telegram
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: Имя Π½Π° Ρ„ΠΎΡ‚ΠΎ
πŸ†” Username: @nametophotobot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.8/5 on 164 votes)
ℹ️Description: Enter your name and get a photo with different art styles.
🌐 Languages: Uzbek Russian
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #name #photo #namephoto