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đŸŒĩ Since 01/01/2019

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🤖 New bot
📋 Name: xdormusicbot
🆔 Username: @xdormusicbot
⭐ī¸ Rating: ⭐ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸ (3.3/5 on 36 votes)
ℹī¸Description: A bot to find and download freely available songs by title, view current top 10 Italian hits, and access lyrics. Customize the download quality to your preference. Easy to use and ideal for exploring music content without restrictions.
🌐 Languages: Italian English
đŸ’Ŧ Supports inline: no
đŸ‘Ĩ Groups: no
#ī¸âƒŖ Tags: #music #download #songsearch #lyrics #mp3download