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🌵 Since 01/01/2019

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🤖 New bot
📋 Name: MicroWOD Bot ~ 🔴Flagged as offline
🆔 Username: @microwodbot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.1/5 on 29 votes)

ℹ️Description: This bot sends you a micro workout daily. You have to complete it in 24h, otherwise you lose your streak.
🌐 Languages: English
💬 Supports inline: no
👥 Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #fitness #workout #daily #reminder #streak #alert #notifications
🤖 New bot
📋 Name: Wordle Bot ~ 🔴Flagged as offline
🆔 Username: @xwordlebot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.9/5 on 142 votes)

ℹ️Description: Wordle Bot is a Telegram adaptation of Wordle game by NY Times. The game is about gussing a five lettered word in 6 tries. On each try you’ll get hints about the guessed word. ⚡️
🌐 Languages: English
💬 Supports inline: no
👥 Groups: yes
#️⃣ Tags: #game #wordle #word #guess #daily
🤖 New bot
📋 Name: Reminder
🆔 Username: @daily_remind_me_bot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5 on 80 votes)

ℹ️Description: This bot allows you to create recurring or single reminders: daily, to-do things, quarterly report, friend's birthday
🌐 Languages: English Russian
💬 Supports inline: no
👥 Groups: yes
#️⃣ Tags: #reminder #daily #it #time #management #organization #todo #recurrent #notifications