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đŸŒĩ Since 01/01/2019

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🤖 New bot
📋 Name: ClasseViva Bot
🆔 Username: @ClasseVivaIT_Bot
⭐ī¸ Rating: ⭐ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸ (4.4/5 on 291 votes)
⚙ī¸Developer: Filippo Pesavento
ℹī¸Description: A bot for the Italian ClasseViva school E-Register. It replaces the official app, as it implements hourly notifications about everything in the website, and daily reminders about what to do for the next day and what has been done in the morning.
🌐 Languages: Italian
đŸ’Ŧ Supports inline: no
đŸ‘Ĩ Groups: no
#ī¸âƒŖ Tags: #school #classeviva #utilities