Telegram X APKs & Build Info
52.4K subscribers
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835 files
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Official automatic service messages published during the Telegram X build process.

APKs that are published here are the original files uploaded to Google Play.

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Download Telegram beta released.

Changes: 6fa5749...96e53ba

- Added Setting — Devices — Scan QR
- Added Scan QR option when adding proxy
- Subscribe to beta and Check for updates button for users installed through Google Play


- Most likely fixed duplicate messages in media albums. If problem reproduces again, make sure you are using the latest version and send exact steps to reproduce.
- Fixed crash on app launch after app was terminated during the database upgrade

QR scanner testing

Please help testing QR scanner on variety of your devices:

1. Go to Settings → Devices → Scan QR
2. Try to scan a QR login link from the desktop application (e.g. via Menu — Add Account on Telegram Desktop). The authorization process should work properly, and the QR bounding box animation should be smooth and properly match the image.
3. If everything looks nice, then try with other Settings — In-App Camera — Aspect Ratio setting values, moving the device camera (e.g. try placing QR in different corners of the screen instead of the center), or changing device orientation
4. If you notice any issue or QR highlight box doesn't match the QR location on the screen, then go to Testing Utilities, choose Test QR scanner, make a screen recording with a #qrscan hashtag and device details (hold app version in settings to copy them). Don't forget to enable 2FA first or waiting at least a minute after capturing the screen record.

Google Play beta will be available within an hour.
You can install APKs directly: arm64, arm32, x64, x86.

Finished in 9 minutes 33.4 seconds