Just in case you got stuck in progress after entering the phone number in Telegram X — please try again, the issue was resolved about an hour ago, and everything should work properly now.
Logging in was broken on the server side, and issue started appearing on 28 June approx. at 16:00 UTC, and was fixed on 30 June approx. at 11:20 UTC.
This wasn't caused by any change in the Telegram X as an app, and all versions should work properly now.
Big thanks to everyone brough the issue up in @tgandroidtests — your feedback, and recorded logs helped fixing the issue.
Note that this isn't related to any basic account issues, such as phone number suspensions. The only way to get your phone number unbanned is recover@telegram.org.
Logging in was broken on the server side, and issue started appearing on 28 June approx. at 16:00 UTC, and was fixed on 30 June approx. at 11:20 UTC.
This wasn't caused by any change in the Telegram X as an app, and all versions should work properly now.
Big thanks to everyone brough the issue up in @tgandroidtests — your feedback, and recorded logs helped fixing the issue.
Note that this isn't related to any basic account issues, such as phone number suspensions. The only way to get your phone number unbanned is recover@telegram.org.
Telegram X APKs & Build Info pinned « beta released. Changes from 1730: 7bc96dbf...767c34a7 Google Play beta will be available after passing the review process. You can install APKs without waiting: arm64, arm32, x64, x86. Finished in 25 minutes 45.8 seconds»