Sketchware basic 2 pro
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We are in way of creating a complete work, learn & share space for sketchware pro. Suggestion are welcome.
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Screenshots of Tile Service project

👉 @sketchlearn
TileService v1.0 @sketchlearn.swb
124 KB
Tile Service project for Sketchware Pro

🙂 I used latest Sketchware Pro version [v6.4.0 rc-03]

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👉 @sketchlearn
3 Methods to get premium icons fore free

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Prayer Times v2 project for Sketchware Pro

🆕 What's new:
-> New UI
-> Save latitude and longitude.
-> Added progressbar
-> Only time (ex. 15:00)
-> Bugs fixed

😎 By @Rakhmonov_Bobur

👉 @sketchlearn
165.2 KB
Prayer Times v2 project for Sketchware Pro

Let's react - 👍, ❤️, 🔥, 🥰, 👏, 🎉, 🤩.

👉 @sketchlearn
Alarm Manager with Ringtone (Azan)

-> Created by Rakhmonov Bobur
-> On Sketchware Pro
-> No any java files
-> No any local libraries
-> Only with Activity to BroadcastReciever / Service
-> Tested on Redmi 9 Global

👉 @sketchlearn
1.5 MB
Alarm Manager with Ringtone (Azan)

Let's react - 👍, ❤️, 🔥, 🥰, 👏, 🎉, 🤩.

🥳 Sketchware Pro v6.4.0 test build 04

-> Reading debug logs from projects. A new activity for that, the Logcat Reader, was added, and to start seeing logs there, run your project and open the Logcat Reader in Sketchware Pro. (#257)
-> Symbol pair auto-completion in the code editor can now be turned off. (#402)
-> Upgrade to sora-editor v0.14.0.
-> Upgrade to Iyxan23/zipalign-java:96fd6b30c928015847264b27b0d2dd407f3e8895.
Some performance improvements to the DEX merging step. (0f4fc74)
Using resource strings in the text and hint property of Views now works! Set e.g. @string/greeting as text or hint, and the View code will use the resource string, not escape the @. (0f27cac)
-> You can now tweak the filename of SWB backups. (#277)

-> Custom Variables are shown in the Variable Palette and can also be removed again.
The aligning APK step was entirely removed after pressing the Run button, as only exports to e.g. Google Play need alignment.
-> The crash after the Aligning APK… step was fixed.
-> Downloading Local libraries won't crash the app anymore. (299d341)
-> Fonts added via the Font Manager now actually work at runtime. You'll have to remove old fonts and add them again though.
-> A Custom Block Palette having an invalid color won't crash the app anymore. (a332fcb)
-> RadioButtons' checked property now work. (27f874a)
-> Built-in Menu Blocks work again! (bba8b3b)
-> Zooming in code in e.g. the source code preview, or in general, in dialogs where sora-editor is used will zoom into the code editor content, not the activity content. (c7336e9)
-> Trying to remove a Variable or List used in another Event will show an error message again.

-> If you need a version that supports Android 5 and higher, get v6.4.0-rc04-minApi21.
-> Otherwise, if you need one with Kotlin support, and also AAB output support, get v6.4.0-rc04-minApi26. As the name says, it only supports Android 8 and higher.

😺 GitHub -

👉 @sketchlearn
Sketchware.Pro.v6.4.0-rc04-minApi21 @sketchlearn .apk
84.5 MB
Sketchware Pro v6.4.0 rc04 minApi 21

New in version with Kotlin support
-> Java Manager was renamed to Java/Kotlin Manager. It can also create and import new Kotlin classes.
-> Obviously, Kotlin compiling!

Let's react - 👍, ❤️, 🔥, 🥰, 👏, 🎉, 🤩.

👉 @sketchlearn
Sketchware.Pro.v6.4.0-rc04-minApi26 @sketchlearn .apk
111.3 MB
Sketchware Pro v6.4.0 rc04 minApi 26

New in version with Kotlin support
-> Java Manager was renamed to Java/Kotlin Manager. It can also create and import new Kotlin classes.
-> Obviously, Kotlin compiling!

Let's react - 👍, ❤️, 🔥, 🥰, 👏, 🎉, 🤩.

👉 @sketchlearn
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Splash Screen example project (like Google Play) in Sketchware pro.

Correct splash screen (without activity and without waiting)
-> By Rakhmonov Bobur
-> Shared on @stchlearn

Note: Splash Screen like Google apps, for example Telegram not has splash screen but Google Play Store has splash screen

👉 @sketchlearn
SplashScreen v1.0 (com.bobur.splashScreen, 1) @sketchlearn.swb
38.2 KB
SplashScreen example project (like Google Play) in Sketchware pro.

Let's react - 👍, ❤️, 🔥, 🥰, 👏, 🎉, 🤩.

👉 @sketchlearn
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Google clarified that when an interstitial ad is placed after every user action, it leads to a policy violation.

In the video shown below, it is evident that the app is showing consequent interstitial ads. First, when we click on the start app and then on services. Showing interstitial ads repeatedly could be very annoying for the users and even lead to accidental clicks. It is a serious policy violation and might even lead to app suspension from the play store.

Stay tuned for the next post where we discuss the 'Best practices to follow while implementing Interstitial Ads' in detail with examples.