Hey! This is the channel for all things related to iLovePDF. ilovePDF is an, easy-to-use open-source Telegram PDF bot completely written in python language
@complete_pdf_bot was specially designed & developed for creating PDF's from images.. And Now, Bot Supports many other features for PDF manipulation 🦾
New features, known bugs, etc will all be posted here!
This service is 100% free to use for anyone 🎉
Bot : @complete_pdf_bot ♥️
Source-Code 🏆
Update Channel: @ilovepdf_bot 💎
Write a feedback (without leaving telegram)
@complete_pdf_bot was specially designed & developed for creating PDF's from images.. And Now, Bot Supports many other features for PDF manipulation 🦾
New features, known bugs, etc will all be posted here!
This service is 100% free to use for anyone 🎉
Bot : @complete_pdf_bot ♥️
Source-Code 🏆
Update Channel: @ilovepdf_bot 💎
Write a feedback (without leaving telegram)
Media is too big
Nearly An year ago, I launched nabilanavab/iLovePDF.
It was Just Developed for Converting Multiple images to PDFs.
Later, hundreds of features were add.
.[All the features will be mentioned Soon]
◍ Supports multiple images to PDF
◍ Image sequence will be considered
◍ By Default, your telegram Id will be Considered as your generated PDF name
◍ One of the main feature that makes this bot special is that, you can RENAME your PDFname at the time of creating
/generate fileName
/generate name
; helps to generate PDF with your current Telegram Name◍
; delete's your Current Image to PDF Queuebot : @complete_pdf_bot