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SenatorHagerty WhiteHouse POTUS SenatorCollins SenSherrodBrown Sen_JoeManchin SenStabenow SenGaryPeters SenJackyRosen SenatorHassan SenatorShaheen SenatorCantwell timkaine SenatorDurbin LindseyGrahamSC PattyMurray ♦️Due to dollars and flawed nuclear deal ,
Iran's evil regime was able to spread its bloodshed and aggression in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. He also arrested and humiliated US forces in the Persian Gulf during the Obama and Biden eras. We have not forgotten.♦️ https://t.co/t0rXaUs7ZkSenatorHagerty WhiteHouse POTUS SenatorCollins SenSherrodBrown Sen_JoeManchin SenStabenow SenGaryPeters SenJackyRosen SenatorHassan SenatorShaheen SenatorCantwell timkaine SenatorDurbin LindseyGrahamSC PattyMurray ♦️Due to dollars and flawed nuclear deal ,
Iran's evil regime was able to spread its bloodshed and aggression in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. He also arrested and humiliated US forces in the Persian Gulf during the Obama and 2403815 SenatorHagerty WhiteHouse POTUS SenatorCollins SenSherrodBrown Sen_JoeManchin SenStabenow
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The fact that Steve was probably inspired to start the support group in Endgame bc of Sam's work with veterans struggling with PTSD in Winter Soldier 😭😭😭 Steve has always looked up to Sam and that's why he gave him the shield. 😭♥️ https://t.co/rcnyclZNJTThe fact that Steve was probably inspired to start the support group in Endgame bc of Sam's 3577680 The fact that Steve was probably inspired to start the support group in Endgame bc of Sam's work with veterans struggling with PTSD in Winter Soldier 😭😭😭
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Meet Haw Beck. Previously known as a drain in winter, boiled by bare banks in summer.
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WildTroutTrust TROUT supported by YorkshireWater & SandTCUKYorks and trees via h_r_marshall WoodlandTrust https://t.co/mylLt7KPr8Meet Haw Beck. Previously known as a drain in winter, boiled by bare banks in summer.
Now a fighting chance of beck respectability thanks 3953866 Meet Haw Beck. Previously known as a drain in winter, boiled by bare banks in summer.
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IBergwiesel akaelwopo1 DawnTJ90 thinks_about_it TheDisproof Cole44749821 END2008 All_Day_SCIfi 2C_increase skeeziez DLMtd2 rln_nelson StormSignalSA Narvuntien RoyPentland RijpeW BridgetHolmstro hadleyjohn AffitThro GeraldKutney Rob46401650 Barbarajdurkin SapientHetero hfjohnsen WayneAllanH 0Sundance nooil4pacifists dodgydingo1 cjtjgeol HalBrow68884227 QuixotesDonkey alan_poirier IanDJbrown2 PACleanwater no2wind Canadianworker2 d_e_mol Lightswide Climatehope2 gordonrlove tricyclist100 KenworthCowboy1 john_actuary MikeDel21893959 MedBennett BubbasRanch fagandr1 DanCady redforged42 Robin_Hagues Station records are not adjusted. But every year there are substantially more record highs than record lows. Even this year so far, with the extreme winter weather seen widely across the US, record highs are outnumbering record lows. Why is that? https://t.co/34keYETCBcIBergwiesel akaelwopo1 4752023 IBergwiesel akaelwopo1 DawnTJ90 thinks_about_it TheDisproof Cole44749821 END2008 All_Day_SCIfi 2C_increase skeeziez DLMtd2 rln_nelson StormSignalSA Narvuntien RoyPentland RijpeW BridgetHolmstro hadleyjohn AffitThro GeraldKutney Rob46401650 Barbarajdurkin SapientHetero hfjohnsen WayneAllanH 0Sundance nooil4pacifists dodgydingo1 cjtjgeol HalBrow68884227 QuixotesDonkey alan_poirier IanDJbrown2 PACleanwater no2wind Canadianworker2 d_e_mol Lightswide Climatehope2 gordonrlove tricyclist100 KenworthCowboy1 john_actuary MikeDel21893959 MedBennett BubbasRanch fagandr1 DanCady redforged42 Robin_Hagues Station records are not adjusted. But every year there are substantially more record highs than record lows. Even this year so far, with the extreme winter weather seen widely across the US, record highs are outnumbering record lows. Why is
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