1.15K subscribers
4 photos
1 video
16 files
39 links
WORST UserBot with the WORST features!!


All code in this channel is licensed under GPLv3, except where otherwise noted!

[Licensed under CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/]

ℹ️ @SpEcHlDe
Download Telegram
Channel created
👍 now You can load plugins to your @UniBorg right inside Telegram.
1. Forward any of the plugin files available in this channel, to your personal chat.
2. Reply .install plugin

Currently Available Plugins

👉 Moon Animation
👉 automatically promote users to admin on joining group
👉 spam @UploadBot with @TorrentzInTelegram
👉 Type Writer Animation
👉 Clock Animation
👉 carbon.now.sh without selenium
v1, credits to @sunda003
v2, using @CarbonNowShBot
👉 Prevent non admins from adding bots to your private groups
👉 List all Public usernames reserved by Your Account
👉 react
👉 mention
👉 auto bio changer
👉 upload to various File Hosting web-sites
👉 get text in different fonts as stickers, powered by @FontRes
👉 [unstable] upload to DropBox

There might be more plugins available in the Forks.

ℹ️ @UniBorg

👍 now You can load plugins to your @PyroGramBot right inside Telegram.
1. Forward any of the plugin files available in this channel, to your personal chat.
2. Reply .load

Currently Available Plugins

👉 automatically change profile picture from a video file

There might be more plugins available in the Forks.

ℹ️ @UniBorg
369 B
Copied From https://del.dog/udocavajuc.py

How to Run After Installation? .moon animation
774 B
Before Installation:
1) .exec export CHAT_AP_JOIN_PP = "ID1 ID2 ID3 ..."
2) Install the Plugin

Credits: @ManueI15
1.2 KB
Before Installation

1) pip install requests beautifulsoup4

After Installation

1) Type .yify recents in @UploadBot
807 B
After Installation

Type .typewriter ANY TEXT YOU WANT to display it in a typewriter like animation!
oH! and I forgot to mention that if you are running in a GNU/Linux system you can also download from sites like mega.nz, uptobox.com, etc right from inside Telegram. 😐😜😜😴
449 B
.clock animation by this awesome person
1.1 KB

Syntax: .code python |;| print("@UniBorg")

a better Plugin is available for @UniBorg
1.6 KB
Edit the CHATS_TO_MONITOR_FOR_ADDED_BOTS array before installing this plugin.

😡 No Post Installation Steps. The plugin will be active in all the groups you specify.

This is useful in cases where Group Administration bots would fail, because of Telegram limitations that Bots cannot see other Bots
473 B
After installation,
Type -listmyusernames in your Private Chat or Saved Messages to see all the Public Usernames that you (might) have reserved.
3 KB
Available Commands

.react happy
.react thinking
.react waving
.react wtf
.react love
.react confused
.react dead
.react sad
.react dog

by this [awesome person](tg://user?id=525959376) 👉 @INF1N17Y
2.3 KB
Pre Installation
1) Get Access Token from https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps/
2) Fill it in the variable
3) pip install dropbox

Post Installation
1) .dropbox /path/to/file

⚠️😡 currently in [BETA] other commands getting stuck when using this 😡⚠️
❤️ How to run your userbot in your Android phone?

👉 Install the Termux application.

👉 Open Application

👉 termux-setup-storage

👉 pkg install clang git python libjpeg-turbo libcrypt ndk-sysroot

👉 python3 -m venv venv

👉 . ./venv/bin/activate

👉 cd /sdcard/Telegram

👉 git clone https://github.com/spechide/UniBorg

👉 cd UniBorg

👉 pip install -r requirements.txt

👉 Create config.env as specified in the README.md

👉 python3 -m kopp

ℹ️ @UniBorg
Forwarded from Shadow Monarch
1. pkg install python python-dev libjpeg-turbo-dev libcrypt-dev ndk-sysroot clang

2. LDFLAGS="-L/system/lib/" CFLAGS="-I/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/" pip install wheel pillow
For those facing issues with installation of Pillow try the below method.