1.15K subscribers
4 photos
1 video
16 files
39 links
WORST UserBot with the WORST features!!


All code in this channel is licensed under GPLv3, except where otherwise noted!

[Licensed under CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/]

ℹ️ @SpEcHlDe
Download Telegram
count the file_size of the files in a chat


def gfi(m):
ts = ("audio", "photo", "video", "document")
for u in ts:
k = getattr(m, u, None)
if k:
return k
humanbytes = lambda a: a
status_message = await message.reply_text("🤔")
mus = 0
sum = 0
async for message in client.iter_history(message.chat.id, limit=None):
d = gfi(message)
if message and d:
mus += d.file_size
sum += 1
await status_message.edit_message_text(humanbytes(mus)) +


status_message = await message.reply("🤔")
mus = 0
sum = 0
async for message in client.iter_messages(entity=message.chat_id, limit=None):
if message and message.file:
mus += message.file.size
sum += 1
await status_message.edit(slitu.humanbytes(mus))

ℹ️ @UniBorg
send all stickers in a particular pack,


pack_short_name = "AnimatedEmojies"
sleep_delay = 5
import asyncio
from telethon.tl import functions, types
reqd_sticker_set = await message.client(functions.messages.GetStickerSetRequest(stickerset=types.InputStickerSetShortName(short_name=pack_short_name)))
for m in reqd_sticker_set.documents:
await message.client(functions.messages.SendMediaRequest(
media=types.InputMediaDocument(id=types.InputDocument(id=m.id, access_hash=m.access_hash, file_reference=m.file_reference)),
await asyncio.sleep(sleep_delay)


pack_short_name = "AnimatedEmojies"
sleep_delay = 5
import asyncio
from pyrogram.raw import functions, types
reqd_sticker_set = await client.send(functions.messages.GetStickerSet(stickerset=types.InputStickerSetShortName(short_name=pack_short_name)))
for m in reqd_sticker_set.documents:
await client.send(functions.messages.SendMedia(
peer=(await client.resolve_peer(message.chat.id)),
media=types.InputMediaDocument(id=types.InputDocument(id=m.id, access_hash=m.access_hash, file_reference=m.file_reference)),
await asyncio.sleep(sleep_delay)

clear all notes / filters of @BanHammerMarie_Bot clone


[await (await reply.reply(f"/clear {om}")).delete() for om in ([ko.split("-")[1].strip() for ko in ([re.strip() for re in reply.message.split("\n")][1:-1])])]

are you still using @UniBorg?

please reply, for any missing features, that I should add! 😁😬😬
Anonymous Poll
no. __the forks are better__
curl -F "file=@./DOWNLOADS/file.name" https://tmp.ninja/api.php?d=upload-tool

#upload #to tmp.ninja #exec
🤔 How Telegram knows which sounds to play when tapping on a big emoji?

from telethon.utils import _decode_telegram_base64
from telethon.tl.functions.help import GetAppConfigRequest
res = await client(GetAppConfigRequest())
sre = (
x for x in res.value if x.key == 'emojies_sounds'
for kro in sre:
d = {
x.key: x.value.value for x in kro.value.value
emojies_sounds_message = await message.respond(kro.key)
await emojies_sounds_message.reply(

ℹ️ @UniBorg
😬 get number of contacts, using Telegram?

p(len((await client(functions.contacts.GetContactsRequest(0))).contacts))

😳 It will be fun to see that statistics, so please reply to this message 😁😝
scrap streams from https://radiosindia.com/

import aiohttp
import re
from asyncio import sleep
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import json
base_url = "https://radiosindia.com/"
mr = "malayalamradio.html"
first_url = base_url + mr
a = {}
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as requests:
first_response = await (await requests.get(first_url)).text()
soup_one = BeautifulSoup(first_response, "html.parser")
online_stations = soup_one.find_all("div", {"class": "grid_1_of_2"})
for each_stn in online_stations:
bn = each_stn.find("a").get("href")
scnd_url = base_url + bn
stn_response = await (await requests.get(scnd_url)).text()
radio_stn_uri__ = re.search("var player \= .*file\:\"(.*)\"\,.*", stn_response)
if radio_stn_uri__:
radio_stn_uri = radio_stn_uri__.group(1)
a[bn] = radio_stn_uri
print(json.dumps(a, sort_keys=True, indent=4))

©️ @PlayASong 🈯️
This media is not supported in your browser
Potential security issue that does not affect @UniBorg 🧐

There may be a security issue introduced by a future telegram update.

If you are running a userbot that allows executing commands from a forwarded message (ub does not), I suggest disabling it (at least temporarily) to be sure of the security of your account.

To userbot maintainers: please ignore all forwarded messages!
create recursive stickers using @QuotlyBot

from asyncio import sleep
r_limit = 7
for o in range(r_limit):
await reply.reply("/q")
await sleep(o)
reply = (
await client.get_messages(

it is forbidden to abuse, spam, or by any means consume, content without explicit permission from the developer of @QuotlyBot. UniBorg is not associated nor affiliated with this third party Telegram bot and does not endorse any use of it. If you believe this snippet is spammy, please reply to this message to get it removed.

ℹ️ @UniBorg
kick all users in groups based on number of messages

async for u in client.iter_participants(message.chat_id, limit=None):
if u and not u.deleted:
k = (await client.get_messages(message.chat_id, limit=0, from_user=u)).total
await message.respond(f"{u.id} has sent {k} messages. Kicking.")
await client.kick_participant(message.chat_id, u)

😡 have you accidentally left your private channel 😐, and want to re-join 🤔😅

channel_name = "@uniborg private channel by @MalayalamTrollVoice"
async with client.takeout(finalize=True) as takeout:
a = await takeout(functions.channels.GetLeftChannelsRequest(offset=0))
for c in a.chats:
if channel_name in c.title:
print((await takeout(functions.messages.ExportChatInviteRequest(peer=c))).link)

😁 Sticker
If SpEcHiDe/UniBorg is getting banned by Heroku,
you can try deploying by cliicking here.

👉 Please reply to this message, if it is working for you

E️DIT: apparently, app still getting suspended 😂😂
delete all your messages in a chat, without being admin!

from asyncio import gather

ec = message.chat_id
oo = "me"
lmt = 99

gather(*[client.delete_messages(ec, id)
for id in [
for msg in await client.get_messages(ec, limit=lmt, from_user=oo)
if msg

EVAL: [p(f"{two.emoticon} : https://t.me/addtheme/{two.theme.slug}") for two in (await client(functions.account.GetChatThemesRequest(hash=0))).themes]

'🦁 : https://t.me/addtheme/TzmDSfZB3Jpo8rPa'
' : https://t.me/addtheme/OneKsXbxszAviWox'
'💎 : https://t.me/addtheme/EfmGihKfksqPNM0s'
'👨\u200d🏫 : https://t.me/addtheme/m0GO25WGgAGWTK4L'
'🌷 : https://t.me/addtheme/UW1iFxAfcVnthTGD'
'🔮 : https://t.me/addtheme/tCVDhTa6f6TL5RCo'
'🎄 : https://t.me/addtheme/gC1Vqv8HCqr7YBl4'
'🎮 : https://t.me/addtheme/asq5HjXic5xIUzeN'
UniBorg changed the chat theme to 💎