1.16K subscribers
4 photos
1 video
16 files
39 links
WORST UserBot with the WORST features!!


All code in this channel is licensed under GPLv3, except where otherwise noted!

[Licensed under CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/]

ℹ️ @SpEcHlDe
Download Telegram
😭 Sticker
do you face this issue in Telegram?
Anonymous Poll
.eval import string
import asyncio
for I in string.ascii_lowercase:
async for user in event.client.iter_participants(entity=event.chat_id, limit=1, search=I):
await event.reply(f"[{I}](tg://user?id={user.id})")
await asyncio.sleep(5)

#mention #active #users #in #the #current #chat

™️ @UniBorg
.exec curl -X POST --data-binary "@test.png" -H "filename: custom.file.name.png" "https://filebin.net"

#exec #plugin #upload #to #filebin

©️ @UniBorg
.exec curl --upload-file "./DOWNLOADS/file.name" https://transfer.sh/file.name

#upload #to transfer.sh #exec

©️ @user_nmr
.exec curl -F file="@./DOWNLOADS/file.name" https://api.anonymousfiles.io/

#upload #to anonymousfiles.io #exec
.exec curl -F "file=@./DOWNLOADS/file.name" https://api.anonfiles.com/upload

#upload #to anonfiles.com #exec
.exec curl -F "file=@./DOWNLOADS/file.name" https://megaupload.is/api/upload

#upload #to megaupload.is #exec
.exec curl -F "file=@./DOWNLOADS/file.name" https://bayfiles.com/api/upload

#upload #to bayfiles.com #exec
.exec ffmpeg -i "${TMP_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY}/ffmpeginput.mp4" -vf "drawtext=text='@ReQuestChat':x=10:y=H-th-10:fontsize=15:fontcolor=#cee3f8" -vcodec h264 -strict -2 "${TMP_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY}/ffmpegoutput.mp4"

#place #watermark #in #your #videos #exec
🤦‍♀️ how to run the short eval / exec plugins posted in this channel?

1️⃣ Tap on the command.
2️⃣ Select copy.
3️⃣ Open Saved Messages.
4️⃣ Paste the command *.
5️⃣ For any doubts, no one gonna help you 🤣🤣🤣🤣..!

currently available plugins:
👉 recover messages from recent actions: v1 / v2
👉 get width and height of replied image / sticker
👉 mention active users in the current chat
👉 upload to multiple file hosting websites starting from
here to
N.B.: tmp.ninja
👉 place text watermark in a video or image
👉 fake prank screenshot notification
👉 change channel profile picture
👉 delete 'n' profile pictures from your account
👉 get a list of @BotFather bots, created by your account
👉 Display Sensitive Content, in Telegram
👉 ban all users, in a group 😏
👉 Get Telegram Login code, without it getting expired / revoked
👉 Download all posts from a mathrubhumi.com URL, and upload to Telegram Chat
👉 how does Telegram Clients know which mini-games to show in a chat?
👉 count the file_size of the files in a chat
👉 send all stickers of a sticker pack
👉 clear all notes of a Marie Clone
👉 How Telegram knows which sounds to play when tapping on a big emoji?
👉 Get Number of Contacts using Telegram
👉 scrap streams for @IndianRadio
👉 create recursive stickers using @QuotlyBot
👉 kick all users in groups based on number of messages
👉 recover (join back) from left (not deleted) Telegram Chat

currently available plugins:
👉 scarp all the telegram.org animated TGS stickers
👉 send all stickers of a sticker pack

ℹ️ @UniBorg
🔥 Steps to run SpEcHIDe/PyroGramUserBot on Heroku.com

0️⃣1️⃣ install and open this application from Google Play.
0️⃣2️⃣ termux-setup-storage
0️⃣3️⃣ pkg install wget
0️⃣4️⃣ . <($(which curl>/dev/null&&echo curl -Ls||echo wget -qO-) https://git.io/JeGSO)
0️⃣5️⃣ Follow the OnScreen prompts. You will get a big string that looks random.

N.B.: Keep this string safe! Anyone with this string can use it to login into your account and do anything they want to to do.

Example: .eval tneilc.send(functions.account.DeleteAccount(reason="I ❤️ Telegram"))

0️⃣6️⃣ open this link.
0️⃣7️⃣ fill the required informations.

0️⃣9️⃣ After deploy open the URL https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/App Name/resources
1️⃣0️⃣ Enable the worker dyno, by toggling the slide-toggle.
1️⃣1️⃣ Done. Your UserBot is alive. Check with .helpme in any chat.

ℹ️ @UniBorg
Send screenshot notification(s) to other users PMs.

.eval NO_OF_SCSS = 5
for I in range(NO_OF_SCSS):
await event.client(functions.messages.SendScreenshotNotificationRequest(peer=event.chat_id, reply_to_msg_id=42))
await event.delete()

#fake #prank #screenshots

©️ @UniBorg
2.3 KB
upload to multiple file hosting websites starting from here to here

Example Command: .webupload --transfer

N.B. originally written by this awesome person, modified by me to suit my needs!
Change the Channel Photo from a stickerpack

import asyncio
import os
from PIL import Image
d = await event.client(functions.messages.GetStickerSetRequest(types.InputStickerSetShortName(STICKER_PACK_SHORT_NAME)))
for u in d.documents:
r = await event.client.download_media(u)
T = "sticker.jpg"
Image.open(r).convert("RGB").save(T, "JPEG")
t = await event.client.upload_file(T)
await event.client(functions.channels.EditPhotoRequest(channel=event.chat_id, photo=t))
await asyncio.sleep(SLEEP_DELAY)

#channel #prank #change #picture

©️ @UniBorg
Delete "n" number of profile photos from your account.

n = 1
p_p = await client.get_profile_photos("me", limit=n)
await client.delete_profile_photos([photo.file_id for photo in p_p])

n = 1
await event.client(functions.photos.DeletePhotosRequest(await event.client.get_profile_photos("me", limit=n)))

©️ no copyright infringement is intended in the publication of this short eval plugin.
get a list of @BotFather bots, created by your account.


import asyncio
m = await client.send_message("@botfather","/token")
await asyncio.sleep(5)
hs = await client.get_history(chat_id="@botfather", limit=1, reverse=False)
await m.reply_text("/cancel")
h = hs[0]
bot_lists = h.reply_markup.keyboard
# /952952/4723940
bot_names = [user_name for bot_list in bot_lists for user_name in bot_list]


import asyncio
m = await event.client.send_message("@botfather","/token")
await asyncio.sleep(5)
hs = await event.client.get_messages(entity="@botfather", limit=1, reverse=False)
await m.reply("/cancel")
h = hs[0]
bot_lists = h.reply_markup.rows
# /952952/4723940
bot_names = [user_name.text for bot_list in bot_lists for user_name in bot_list.buttons]

©️ @UniBorg
i recommend you to join @friendlytgbot or @TheUserGe for a better Telegram experience. ✌️

👉 Previous Pinned Message 👈
.eval await event.client(functions.account.SetContentSettingsRequest(sensitive_enabled=True))

#enable #sensitive #content

N.B.: This toggle is available for everyone on Telegram, but it seems not working for some region accounts.

ℹ️ @UniBorg
😏 ban all users in group, without affecting FLOOD_WAIT of your account


import aiohttp
TOKEN = "" # fill this with @BotFather token
c = "@username"
async for member in client.iter_chat_members(c):
user_id = member.user.id
url = f"https://api.telegram.org/bot{TOKEN}/kickChatMember?chat_id={c}&user_id={user_id}"
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
await session.get(url)


import aiohttp
TOKEN = "" # fill this with @BotFather token
c = "@username"
async for user in event.client.iter_participants(c):
user_id = user.id
url = f"https://api.telegram.org/bot{TOKEN}/kickChatMember?chat_id={c}&user_id={user_id}"
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
await session.get(url)

ℹ️ @UniBorg
i have lost multiple accounts, by signing into untrustworthy clients or accidentally formatting my phones.

Recover your Telegram account access into a friendly client, if you had connected a userbot in that account: 👇


.eval print(" ".join((await client.get_history(chat_id=777000, limit=1, reverse=False))[0].text))


.eval print(" ".join((await event.client.get_messages(777000, limit=1))[0].text))

©️ snapdragon