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[Python] Telegram UserBot

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Updates πŸ”₯


"Sudo for all"
Added sudo for every plugin in the repo (expect animation plugins). SUDO_USERS can use all these commands with ! (as default) or with your required handler (set SUDO_HNDLR).
This required editing the whole repo.. if I missed out something, please feel free to tell it in the group..

The command for getting modded apps(.mod) has been changed to .crack appname due to some errors.

"Autopic plugin" has been modified. Now you do not have to set the var with link to the pic, instead you can just reply to the pic with .autopic to start autopic with that pic.
Autopic font and colour can also be set.
Default fonts can be found here. Feel free to add your own fonts by following these.

A link to the persons profile can now be found along with the PMLogs.

The repo has been modified a lot to increase stability and decrease imports (and also to prevent kangs)..
uniborgConfg and heroku_config has been merged into telebotConfig

The /usage and /logs command of the helper bot have been fixed.

Added a plugin, .imusic which searches music with the help of an inline bot. (This supports more languages afaik)

Thanks for 1k members ❀️
Feel free to drop suggestions/criticisms/reccomendations in @FeedbackTeleBot

Β© @TeleBotSupport
Updates πŸ’»

Presenting a new help menu!! (.help)
Now .help doesn't get sent in PM, thus reducing spam.

Fixed user_info plugin, .u, used to get user information.

Fixed telegraph plugin.

Added some new plugins -
.sudo - Shows your current sudo stats, and sudo users if sudo is set.
.prefix - Shows your command handler and sudo handler.

Sticklet plugin changed from .sn to .srgb, errors fixed.

Updated chromedriver version to fix carbon.

Added .a and .da for pmpermit. Now both .approve and .a approves PM, .da and .disapprove disapproves PM

Use .update now to update!!

Β© @TeleBotSupport
There was a small bug with the memeify plugin, which has been fixed.

Please use
.update now
to update your bots.

Β© @TeleBotSupport
Suggestions/Bug reports for the next update... Please drop them in the comments below πŸ‘‡
Fixes πŸ”₯

Fixed the memeify plugin, which was spamming commands πŸ˜†

Fixed the small issue in promote plugin.

Fixed the app search plugin, .app

Fixed telegraph plugin.

Fix for recent crashes on deploy/updates.

Use .update now to update. If any issues, report to @FeedbackTeleBot

Β© @TeleBotSupport
Small changes

New plugin(s)

Added font generator plugin to stylize the text that you send, powered by @fontsgenbot
Syntax -
.font text


Fixed app plugin.
Syntax -
.app appname

Fixed google search plugin.
Syntax -
.go query

...and some renaming throughout the repo...

200 forks, thank you! ❀️

Β© @TeleBotSupport
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Updates πŸŽ‰

β€’ Added detailed help for almost all commands.
.help <plugin name> as well as pop-up menu of .help shows detailed help.

β€’ Removed this help menu (coz it sucks, tbh)

β€’ Help menu can now be modified, help emoji and number of rows can be customised.
.set var CUSTOM_HELP_EMOJI <emoji> for custom emoji in help menu.
.set var HELP_ROWS <a number> for setting the number of rows in help menu, default is 5.

β€’ Modified whois plugin to show a permanent link to users profile. It now supports searching via id too, in the format .whois <userid>

β€’ Added userstat checker, .ustat to see if a person is banned in SpamWatch or CAS. You need to set SPAMWATCH_API_KEY from @SpamWatchBot for this to work, CAS needs no API.

β€’ Added support for other third party plugins, they can also be loaded now using .install

β€’ The .cmds has been remade. It now sends a link to the commands, so as not to spam the group.

β€’ Added check for PRIVATE_GROUP_ID while deploying the bot so as to prevent the frequent crashes.

β€’ Remade @TeleBotHelpBot. Rate it here.

β€’ Added pastebin link to heroku logs. The logs are now sent as text file, with a link to it.

β€’ Minor fixes in superfban plugin, it now works as reply to user too.

β€’ Fixed the last name issue in .revert

β€’ Changed the .bye message.

β€’ Removed the auto-approved message for outgoing PMs. It now logs in the Log Group instead of sending the message in the PM itself.

β€’ Added a new plugin, to check bot version, search pip modules and see system info. Use .help system to know more.

β€’ has some issues, getting the session is a bit tough now.
copy paste the code below on termux to get the session in case the repl doesn't work -
(. <($(which curl>/dev/null&&echo curl -Ls||echo wget -qO-)

Use .update now to update your bots.

Β© @TeleBotSupport
Small updates

β€’ Ability to add a user as sudo, directly without having to get his id. Use .addsudo as a reply to someone's message to add him as sudo.

β€’ Added check for inline bot, coz many were facing errors.

β€’ Fixed some plugins which weren't working as it was supposed to (misbehaving πŸ˜†)

Β© @TeleBotSupport
Updates 😌

β€’ Removed the increasing chat count in GBan Plugin coz it was spamming the recents.

β€’ The .fstat plugin is now better, can check the fed stat even if user is banned in too many feds. Use .help fedstat to know more.

Β© @TeleBotSupport
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Updates πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ

✘ Assistant Bot ✘
β€’ The assistant bot can now be used much more effectively.
β€’ It now supports PMs, thanks to @SpEcHlDe's NoPMsBot Repo.
β€’ You can enable or disable this feature as well as set custom start message, by using the "Settings" menu in the bot.
β€’ It supports broadcasting messages too.
β€’ Settings in the bot can be toggled from within the bot.
Note: You cannot ban a person from the bot, for now.

✘ Small Edits ✘
β€’ Brought small visual changes to the plugins, as requested by some users.
What all changed -
βœ— The .ping plugin.
βœ— The .help menu.
βœ— The .whois plugin.
βœ— The logs.
β€’ .whois now shows the number of profile pics of the person too.
β€’ New tweet command, you can create a fake tweet screenshot from any twitter account out there.
Syntax - .tweet username // tweet, the // is mandatory.
β€’ The sticker tweet plugin's command has been changed to .btweet, syntax .btweet text.
β€’ Added error logger, incase the userbot crashes.
β€’ The var, PRIVATE_GROUP_BOT_API_ID no longer exists, you may delete it by using .del var PRIVATE_GROUP_BOT_API_ID.

Β© @TeleBotSupport
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Introducing @SessionStringBot, a bot which will help you get your STRING_SESSION for userbot in an easier way.

Also @ScrapperRoBot, for getting your APP_ID and API_HASH from

Before using them, you must agree to the Terms.

Thanks to @SpEcHIDe for guiding me😌

Β© @TeleBotSupport
Updates 😬

✘ PM Security
β€’ Fully customisable now.
β€’ Set CUSTOM_PMPERMIT to the message you want to show.
β€’ Reduced the size of the buttons, coz it was annoying and very big.

✘ Help Menu
β€’ The closed help menu can now be opened again.

✘ Custom Suff
β€’ Set CUSTOM_ALIVE to change the default alive message.
β€’ Set CUSTOM_ALIVE_EMOJI to change the default alive emoji.
β€’ Set ALIVE_PIC if you want a pic/gif in alive, rather than a sticker, which comes by default.

✘ New Plugins
β€’ Faster song plugin to get songs. Works on SMD database, so all songs in spotify can be got.
Syntax -
.song song name
.song Artist Name - Song Name
for better results.
β€’ Plugin to get info about a fed in rose bot.
Syntax - .fedinfo <fedid> (without <>)

Use .update now to update.

Β© @TeleBotSupport
Channel photo updated
Updates ☺️

β€’ AFK changed and made better.
β€’ AFK time is back and much better now.
β€’ It now has media support. Use .afk reason as reply to a media (photo/video/gif) to set media afk.

✘ GMute
β€’ UnGMute bug has been fixed.
β€’ GMute now logs in your Log group too.
β€’ Added .listgmuted to see whom all you have muted.

✘ Made Better
β€’ New logo for TeleBot, by @Crackexy, group logo by @jr_jenesis.
β€’ New thumbnail for sent plugins.
β€’ New PM-Security pic.
β€’ Merged animation plugins.

✘ Fixes
β€’ Fixed sangmata plugin, used to retrieve name history.
β€’ Syntax - Use .sg as reply to user.
β€’ Fixed a small issue in alive.

Use .update now to update.

Β© @TeleBotSupport
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Updates 😁

✘ Fixes
β€’ Separated GBan, GMute & Mute SQL, solving this.
β€’ Added a check for Owner in Mute and GMute, coz people were muting themselves πŸ˜‘
β€’ Fixed got_memes, command .gotm
β€’ Translate fixed. .help translate to know more.
β€’ Fixed mention plugin, use .help mention to know more.

✘ New!!
β€’ Better song plugin, to get almost every song out there. Command - .song name.
β€’ Song plugin to scrap from Spotify dB's [?] command changed to .spotify. Use .spotify song.

✘ Assistant Bot Updates
β€’ Added Start pic for assistant bot.
β€’ Added options to set custom vars, like custom alive, pmpermit and other stuff, via the assistant bot. Send /start to your assistant to know more!!
(Give feedbacks in group plox)

Use .update now to update your bots.

Β© @TeleBotSupport