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Best Telegram Bots.
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if you have bot ideas contact me at @stephin & @Azhkan you can also hire me to make your dream bots.
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@uploadbot has reached 2,00,000 users today. 🎉🎉🎉
📧 @FakeMailBot Updated. 🎉🎉🎉
👉Now You can Block🚫 unwanted mail senders by using /block command.

ربات @FakeMailBot بروزرسانی شد.🎉🎉🎉

اکنون شما می توانید ایمیل هایی که تمایلی به دریافتشان ندارید را به طور کامل بلاک یا مسدود کنید. این کار از اتلاف وقت شما برای خواندن ایمیل های غیرضروری جلوگیری می کند.

برای این کار تنها کافیست از دستور
استفاده کنید.
📥Updated our Appstore

🏃‍♂ Speed of Site increased By 70%.
📸Improved Look of App Details Page.
✴️Less Error 404 for App Download.
🔎 More Apps in Search Results, Better categorized and Totally New Look.
🏡 Improved Home Page.

Share Your Feedback with us for new update.
Save To Dropbox added to @GetPublicLinkBot

Click on it, authorise and wait few mints until the file uploads to Dropbox.
Forwarded from RenameitBot
Your Favorate @RenameitBot is now @renameBot !
Save To Dropbox added to @GetPublicLinkBot Click on it, authorise and wait few mints until the file uploads to Dropbox.
Google Have approved the app again!
Save to drive should be working fine for NON-Pirated Files!
Channel name was changed to «🎄Robots🎅»
Forwarded from URL Uploader
@UploadBot got a new feature today!!!🎉🎉🎉

Now you can set custom thumbnail to any file you upload😍

As always, we listen user feedbacks, suggestions and feature requests 😃 , if you have any suggestion on improving the bot get in touch with us.
Forwarded from URL Uploader
@UploadBot little enhancements to the thumbnail feature!!! 🎉🎉🎉
1. Now you can set default thumbnail(eliminating the process of sending/forwarding same pic again and again) for all your future uploads.
how? after sending your desired thumbnail picture, send this command /set_thumbnail
You can also set fresh/new picture to any new file you upload without changing the default thumbnail.
2. To view your next/default thumbnails send /thumbnail command.
3. You can delete all thumbnail settings just by sending /cancel_thumbnail command.

If you have any question or encounter any bug/problem please get in touch with admins.
Forwarded from RenameitBot
Good News!! 🤩
Now you can upload file as video with streaming support!

To enable this feature, just send
/file_as_video command & to disable, just send
/file_as_file command.

You need to upload thumbnails /thumbnail
Forwarded from URL Uploader
@UploadBot has been down for almost 7 hours(8-15) due to some issues 🙄in the server.
We are sorry😣😔 about that, now its UP🎉 and functioning normally.
As in the past, to heal your frustration all paid users validity will be extended by 7 days.
If you encounter any issues please get in touch with admins.
Forwarded from KeralaGram [Official]®
@utubebot has been blocked from Telegram for iOS & Android as per request from Google

 "copyright-ios-android: This bot is unavailable due to copyright infringement."

You can access it from below clients

• Telegram X for Android
• Telegram Desktop
• Telegram Web

ℹ️ @KeralagramChannel
Forwarded from URL Uploader
@UploadBot Introducing Auto Activation for Payments through Paytm

Now you don't have to wait for Admins to activate your Premium Subscriptions.

After successful payment via PAYTM,
COPY the "Order ID: " (as boxed above)
send to @UploadBot in this format.

/paytm 201904151708490013
There was some serious server issue, last 10 hrs. some bots were effected
and others.

Sorry for the inconvenience ..

It has been fixed, now. Everything will be back to normal in few hrs!

@getPublicLinkBot and @renameBot are in mainatance.
server issues.. may take longer.

sorry for the inconvenience.
New Updates!!!🎉🎉🎉
👉 Added new public domain ( to @FakeMailBot
👉 Now you can share your @FakeMailBot private domains with friends to allow them create new email addresses from your private domain. check /set command for more info. 💪
👉 🔥Added support for Animated stickers in @DownloadStickersBot you can download any animated stickers in .tgs the Telegram animated stickers format, batch mode also supported. 😳😁
Forwarded from Deleted Account
Tg Cloud Manager.apk
14.2 MB
This is Telegram Cloud File Manager powered by @getPublicLinkBot,

Save Your Files to UNLIMITED PRIVATE STORAGE in TELEGRAM, its like Google Drive For Telegram but with unlimited Storage Space.

After installing this app and login ,
all the files that you send to @getPublicLinkBot will be saved in this App, you can then cut/paste or rename the files and organize the files in folders.

This way you can have the files always and forever, and you can generate the save to drive also. by clicking the download from the App.

Note: To move or rename file, LONG press on the file.
New Update 🎉🎉🎉

@UploadBot Now you can upload a file of size up to 1.95GB ~= 2000MB

افزایش حجم فایل های آپلودی 🎉🎉🎉

در به‌روز‌رسانی جدید، هم‌اکنون می‌توانید فایل‌هایی با حجم ۱.۹۵ گیگابایت (تقریباً ۲ گیگابایت) را در تلگرام آپلود کنید!

🆔: @Robots Team 🌸