Forwarded from Deleted Account
Helo, #DIED
Iam a simple bot to get a telegram link for your messages.
Sent me a message to get a telegram link of the message.
Iam a simple bot to get a telegram link for your messages.
Sent me a message to get a telegram link of the message.
Forwarded from Deleted Account
Helo, #DIED
Iam a simple bot to get a telegram link for your messages.
Sent me a message to get a telegram link of the message.
Iam a simple bot to get a telegram link for your messages.
Sent me a message to get a telegram link of the message.
Forwarded from Deleted Account
Helo, #DIED
Iam a simple bot to get a telegram link for your messages.
Sent me a message to get a telegram link of the message.
Iam a simple bot to get a telegram link for your messages.
Sent me a message to get a telegram link of the message.
Forwarded from Deleted Account
Helo, #DIED
Iam a simple bot to get a telegram link for your messages.
Sent me a message to get a telegram link of the message.
Iam a simple bot to get a telegram link for your messages.
Sent me a message to get a telegram link of the message.
Forwarded from Deleted Account
Helo, #DIED
Iam a simple bot to get a telegram link for your messages.
Sent me a message to get a telegram link of the message.
Iam a simple bot to get a telegram link for your messages.
Sent me a message to get a telegram link of the message.
Forwarded from Deleted Account
Helo, #DIED
Iam a simple bot to get a telegram link for your messages.
Sent me a message to get a telegram link of the message.
Iam a simple bot to get a telegram link for your messages.
Sent me a message to get a telegram link of the message.
Forwarded from Deleted Account
Helo, #DIED
Iam a simple bot to get a telegram link for your messages.
Sent me a message to get a telegram link of the message.
Iam a simple bot to get a telegram link for your messages.
Sent me a message to get a telegram link of the message.
Forwarded from Pʀᴏғᴇssᴏʀ ᴠ²
Forwarded from Kite Tv Quiz Time (Dhinakaran)
Who is referred as the "Father of Fibre Optics"?-"ஃபைபர் ஆப்டிக்ஸ்-இன் தந்தை" என்று குறிப்பிடப்படுபவர் யார்?
- @KiteTvQuizTime by @KiteTvIndia
- @KiteTvQuizTime by @KiteTvIndia
Anonymous Quiz
Galileo - கலிலியோ
Narinder Kapan - நரிந்தர் கபானி
Neil's Bohr - நீல்ஸ் போர்
J.J.Thomson - ஜே.ஜே.தாம்சன்
Forwarded from Kite Tv Quiz Time (Dhinakaran)
Who discovered Virus?-வைரஸைக்[கிருமிகளைக்] கண்டுபிடித்தவர் யார்?
-@KiteTvQuizTime by @KiteTvIndia
-@KiteTvQuizTime by @KiteTvIndia
Anonymous Quiz
Stanley - ஸ்டான்லி
Forwarded from Kite Tv Quiz Time (Dhinakaran)
Who is called as "The Father of Botany"?-"தாவரவியலின் தந்தை" என்று அழைக்கப்படுபவர் யார்?
- @KiteTvQuizTime by @KiteTvIndia
- @KiteTvQuizTime by @KiteTvIndia
Anonymous Quiz
Forwarded from Kite Tv Quiz Time (Kite Tv Networks Private Limited)
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