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710 links
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🌡 Since 01/01/2019

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πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: File To Link ~ πŸ”΄Flagged as offline
πŸ†” Username: @filestolinkebot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.1/5 on 59 votes)
ℹ️Description: This bot can convert files to link
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #files #link #upload #download #url #share #media
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: MonitorBot
πŸ†” Username: @MonitorBot_bot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.7/5 on 1816 votes)
ℹ️Description: MonitorBot monitors the availability of URL.
🌐 Languages: English Russian
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #notifications #url #checker #monitor
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: Sum It Up
πŸ†” Username: @sumitupbot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.7/5 on 574 votes)
ℹ️Description: Webpage summary and translation, url to pdf and screenshot
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: yes
πŸ‘₯ Groups: yes
#️⃣ Tags: #web #pdf #tool #url #link #summary
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: Cloud gram Beta
πŸ†” Username: @cloudgram_betabot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.5/5 on 583 votes)
βš™οΈDeveloper: Ripe
ℹ️Description: Multi purpose bot deals with files (rename, unzip, thumbnails and a lot more) and uploads from download link or streaming sites (youtube, twitter and more) or upload to cloud (Google drive etc)
🌐 Languages: English Italian French Spanish German Russian Portuguese Arabian Japanese
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #download #rename #drive #upload #unzip #files #url #stream #link
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: HK ROBOT ~ πŸ”΄Flagged as offline
πŸ†” Username: @NewHKRoBot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.5/5 on 474 votes)
ℹ️Description: This bot can upload files from link, shortern urls and search on YouTube
🌐 Languages: english
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: yes
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #upload #files #search #youtube #url
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: URL Shortener
πŸ†” Username: @chotaurlbot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5 on 89 votes)
ℹ️Description: Short link URLs in just a second
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #shorturl #shortening #url
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: Link Expert πŸ”—
πŸ†” Username: @link_expertBot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.2/5 on 90 votes)
βš™οΈDeveloper: Amit
ℹ️Description: Shorten long URLs via this bot, or unshorten short URLs
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #url #links #bitly #shorten #unshort
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: Small URL ~ πŸ”΄Flagged as offline
πŸ†” Username: @SmallURLbot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.3/5 on 127 votes)
ℹ️Description: Shrink long URLs instantly
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #url #urlshortener #shortener #SmallUrl #ShortURL #shorten
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: Direct File Link Bot ~ πŸ”΄Flagged as offline
πŸ†” Username: @DirectFileLinkBot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.4/5 on 321 votes)
βš™οΈDeveloper: Ξ”αŸIĐ BΜ·Ι„RИ
ℹ️Description: This Bot Generates Direct Download Link Of Telegram Files.
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #directlink #telegram #download #url #free
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: Stop Piracy ~ πŸ”΄Flagged as offline
πŸ†” Username: @FilesToIinkBot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.9/5 on 189 votes)
ℹ️Description: Get public link from Telegram file
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: yes
πŸ‘₯ Groups: yes
#️⃣ Tags: #stream #link #url #download
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: Channel Beautify
πŸ†” Username: @ChannelPKbot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5 on 334 votes)
ℹ️Description: Add starting tags, ending tags,url button, old facebook like/disklike buttons, new facebook reactions buttons to your channel posts automatically. Unlimited channels can be added for free.
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #posts #channel #tags #url #reactions
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: β€ŒURL β€ŒEncoder
πŸ†” Username: @LCxUrlEncode_bot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.3/5 on 134 votes)
ℹ️Description: Convert text or link to URL encoded format.
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #url #encode #development #query
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: ULTRA URL BOT ~ πŸ”΄Flagged as offline
πŸ†” Username: @q_r_code_bot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.5/5 on 232 votes)
ℹ️Description: Generate QR codes and shorten or expand URLs.
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #qrcode #url
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: Wikipedia Search ~ πŸ”΄Flagged as offline
πŸ†” Username: @WikipediaSearchRobot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.3/5 on 104 votes)
ℹ️Description: Search articles on wikipedia using inline mode and send their link.
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: yes
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #wikipedia #article #search #link #url
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: Instant Read Bot
πŸ†” Username: @rreadbot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.8/5 on 74 votes)
ℹ️Description: A bot, that generates Instant View for each (almost) web page you can send to it.
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: yes
πŸ‘₯ Groups: yes
#️⃣ Tags: #inline #instantview #iv #url #read
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: ShowIPInfoBot
πŸ†” Username: @ShowIPInfoBot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.9/5 on 147 votes)
ℹ️Description: Get information about an IP address or URL.
🌐 Languages: Italian English Spanish Indonesian
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: yes
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #ip #address #url #info
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: io_Link_bypasserbot
πŸ†” Username: @io_Link_bypasserbot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5 on 143 votes)
ℹ️Description: An Advanced Telegram Link bypasser Bot. It can Bypass Adlinks from 100+ sites in A Lightning Speed. Supports fast bypassing
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #bypasser #free #fast #url #link #utilis
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: shortener_tiny_url_bot
πŸ†” Username: @shortener_tiny_url_bot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.9/5 on 68 votes)
ℹ️Description: This bot can make your link shorter
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: yes
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #url #shortener #link
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: LeoPostCreatorBot
πŸ†” Username: @LeoPostCreatorBot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.1/5 on 83 votes)
ℹ️Description: This bot can create posts with inline buttons(URL Buttons, Note Buttons, Vote Buttons ) and you can send your created post to your channel or group without forward or inline tag using this bot
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #postcreator #inline #inlinebuttons #post #url #vote
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: trackerid_swapper_bot
πŸ†” Username: @trackerid_swapper_bot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.2/5 on 219 votes)
ℹ️Description: Randomize the trackers id's on share links like Instagram or YouTube
🌐 Languages: English Spanish
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #privacy #link #url #shareid #trackerid #trackers #instagram #youtube #datacorruption